Class Photo Gallery

Dragon–The Secret is Now Revealed

The Manhattan Mafiasito in November 1973 at the Kinglands.

Aspen 1976

Here’s an oldie but goodie from days of yor: Butch Edgar, Gerry Grady, and Ted Spiegel enjoying a brew in Aspen, Colorado, 1976. Unearthed from the Gerry Grady archives.

Bob Douglass’s engagement party 1962

This one should bring back a few memories: It’s Bob Douglass’s engagement party in 1962, showing Fred Whittemore, Gerry Grady, Bob Callender, John Corcoran, and Bob Douglass with wife-to-be Linda. And, at right, Don Goss and Fred Whittemore kibitzing…

Spieg’s 75th was a gathering of all of his skiing buddies who populate “Moose on the Loose” in Aspen each February. What a group. Left Photo from left to right, back row, Gino Gabianelli ’53, George Shaw ’54, Dave Cost ’53, Bob Malin ’53, Dick Conn’53, Charlie Buchanan ’53, Dick Calkins ’53, Bill Gitt ’53,Jay Davis ’54, and Irl Marshall ’49. Resting in the front row are Class President Phil Beekman, Spieg, and Butch Edgar ’53.

Party was held at the Mid-America Club of the AON Building across from the new Millennium Park in downtown Chicago. The three ’53’s [Gabianelli, Spiegel,and Beekman] picture (on right) was taken to celebrate the nine hour hike across the Maroon Pass from Aspen (8,500 ft.) to 12,500 ft. at the top of the pass to Crested Butte (8,500 ft.) in 2003, where we had breakfast with Peter Bridges and his wife, Mary Jane the morning after the hike. The birthday party was a three day affair, starting on Friday night and ending on Sunday after a brunch. Saturday. the group took an architectural cruise on the Chicago River and a two hour tour of Millennium Park. What a way to celebrate the end of the third quarter. Just think, the fourth quarter and multiple OT’s to go. -DH


The Dartmouth Hall is at the center of the campus physically and of its heart. All things that have happened since 1769 when Eleazar foundered the college are recorded there for posterity.

Our distinguished classmate and treasurer Dick Fleming surrounded by other classmates receiving their gold badges for great service to the college and their classmates.

Buzz Erwin, our classmate who was directly responsible for getting your Newsletter and Website manager to the correct hospital twenty plus years ago with his complete knowledge of New York medical things. He received his gold star at our 50 the reunion because he saved my ability to walk by his expert knowledge of the best surgeons in New York.

The Class of ’53 assembled at our reunion in New Orleans before going cruising on Viking along the Mississippi river. Phil Beekman arranged that cruise bad your class newsletter and website guy stands with a blue shirt about half way up.